Any amount goes a long way to help eradicate poverty and restore dignity.

Get Help

i care, we care, let's care together.

Financial Support Through Temporary Misfortune

Caring For Others provides financial and economic support for utility bills, rent, mortgage payments, food, and personal finances to individuals facing economic hardships.

If you are in need of assistance, please read our support policies below, complete the form, and our team will reach out to you to discuss the available options and support.

To speak to a member of our staff during office hours, please call 404-761-0133.

Soul to Sole

Financial & Economic Hardship Policies

All clients must complete an intake form below. Photo ID is required.

Emergency Food Assistance

Distributed only on Monday – Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM

Emergency Clothing/Furniture

Distributed only on Monday – Thursday between 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM

Intake Forms

If forms are closed, all available funds have been allocated at this time.
